Tuesday, March 5, 2013

All Pregnancies and Women are Different part 2

Some women use pregnancy as an excuse to pack on the pounds and the reasons differ for many. The most common is that what the hell, you have spent the last 30 years dieting and living off carrot sticks and grapefruit, so this is going to be the one time in your life where you are going to splurge and eat anything you feel like. Others just see it as I am eating for two and need to keep my energy up. Well, I am all for eating, being the foodie that I am, but you are eating for one and a grape sized human, not a sumo wrestler and you did buy this book on how to have a healthy pregnancy without all the excess weight gain and thus healthy baby so you must care about how you look and feel. Keep in mind that you want a healthy pregnancy, not a lifetime of trying to lose the “baby weight”. I often hear women in their late fifties complaining that they are still waiting to lose their baby weight and their kids are in college!!


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